Monday, May 21, 2007

i love d

sometimes, i am so amazed at how easy things are with d. this has been the easiest relationship i have ever been in. i mean, no doubts, no questions, no struggles. i am absolutely sure of how he feels about me and where we're going. we have been in the same place and understanding every step of the way. today marks 7 months that we've been dating. albeit long distance but it has been the happiest 7 months of my life. i think about him and my heart gets warm. i think my temperature rises a bit and my heart feels full. i know this sounds cheesy but i feel like every love song and romantic comedy was made for me and d. i know, barf, right?? we talk for hours at a time sometimes and i don't want to hang up. and as soon as i say good bye to him i want to pick up the phone and call him back. i want to talk to him while i do the most mundane things during the day because i want him to be a part of my life, in every aspect. for the rest of my life. because when i'm with him, i feel like i can get lost in him and everything disappears. i have never felt this way before. this kind of electricity, chemistry, love and happiness.

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